Your most
frequently asked questions
about naturesse

How do you
dispose of
biodegradable packaging?
One issue that keeps coming up is how to dispose of naturesse items properly. After all, the raw materials used are all 100% biodegradable. So where should they go when they’ve served their purpose? Unfortunately, every country and every region has different requirements and different regulations, so there is not just one simple answer. But one thing is the same everywhere: regardless of whether the products are fermented, composted, biodegraded or incinerated, the naturesse items are always more ecologically sound than conventionally produced single-use tableware made from fossil raw materials. The method of disposal plays a lesser role in the sustainability debate. Our technical experts are happy to advise you.
Can organic
packaging also
be imprinted?
Yes, it’s possible and also makes sense. After all, the fact that you as a company have chosen sustainability is already seen positively. You can build on this and associate your brand directly with the natural packaging – by having everything imprinted to your custom design. Draw attention to yourself and give your customers your own design or messages as an exquisite garnish. Whether meal trays, napkins, products for hot and cold drinks or many other forms of single-use packaging made from natural raw materials – we have the expertise to give comprehensive advice on how to best imprint and personalise your items. Because naturally it’s a stylish solution you’re looking for. But it’s also a matter of food safety, certifications, laws and shelf life. naturesse has a team of experts who support the customer from the consultation stage through to the production process, and expertly bridge the gap between developers and packaging manufacturers.

Is plastic really problematic for the environment?
As in many areas of life, plastic has also established itself in packaging. In fact, production has doubled since the year 2000. Approximately 380 million tonnes are produced annually, accounting for 4% of global oil production. But the fossil raw material needed to produce it is running out. And not only that: the resulting waste is a burden on our ecosystem – through industrial use, but also through each individual consumer. Discarded bags, bottles or bowls do not rot. Instead, the ageing process creates microplastics that leave traces not only in the oceans, but also in the soil and even in the air.
When does
the ban on
plastic packaging come into force?
In order to protect our environment, a plastic ban for certain product groups has been initiated, which will apply in the EU from mid-2021. We have had the right answers to these questions for nearly 20 years: with a comprehensive range of well over 700 permanently available products made from renewable raw materials, plus a wealth of bespoke customer solutions, naturesse is ready for a sustainable world in which alternatives to petroleum and conventional plastics, as well as use of the concepts that Nature provides, become ever more important. Ultimately, it is all about conserving the earth’s finite resources and avoiding substances that are harmful to humans or Nature.